Tuesday 7 July 2015


The Nigerian-Canadian Business Association, under the auspices of the Deputy High Commission of Canada, was established in 2011 to promote bilateral relationships between Nigeria and Canada and also to provide a networking forum for members of the Association. The aims and objectives for which the association was established are:

· To promote cultural and social exchanges for the benefit of both countries.
· To inform and educate the business community of trade and business opportunities in Nigeria and Canada.
· To facilitate professional interaction and exchange that encourages bilateral business and investments.
· To organize, promote or participate in events such as seminars, workshops, and conferences for the exchange of information and ideas and for networking opportunities.
· To strengthen the development of bi-lateral relations and economic interactions and to foster and promote trade and investment between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Canada.
Members have free access to and profit from, the following activities of the Association:
a) Trade conferences and seminars addressed by leading authorities in different fields, affording members the opportunity to be informed and to discuss current key issues that affects Nigerian-Canadian trade.
b) Bi-Lateral Trade Missions.
c) Promotional and networking opportunities as well as business referrals and lead generation.

Members also get Business Advice, International Trade trainings, access to business factsheets, and many other benefits. For enquiries, please contact 

1 comment:

  1. This blog seems not to have been updated with fresh info since 2015
